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Member Profiles
Updated over 2 months ago

This feature enables the collection of data such as bios, locations, preferences, and more, which can then be optionally displayed on a member's profile page for other members to see. This guide will walk you through how to utilise this feature effectively.

Capturing Member Properties with Forms

  1. Navigate to Create > Forms

  2. Create a new form or click to edit an existing one that you want to capture answers to save against or display on a member’s profile.

  3. Give the form a Title and Description. We recommend something like the following:

💡 Note: If you need a quick refresher on setting up forms, check out our forms article.

4. Add a field to the form by hitting [+Add Field].

5. Choose a response type for the field (any response type other than ‘Acceptance’ can be used to capture data to display against member properties).

6. Add a question and optionally a description, (plus any other associated options depending on the response type) to the field.

7. Under the ‘Is Required’ toggle, you will notice a new ‘Save to member’ toggle.

8.Toggling this on will mean the responses this question gets are saved on the Profile of the member who submitted the response.

9. You’ll need to create a property to save this response to from the ‘+ Select a property or create one’ field.

10. Create your own member property by typing into the input field.

💡 Note: If you need to delete a property, simply hit the 3 dot menu in line with it in the dropdown, then hit ‘delete’.

11. Once you’ve set a property, you’ll notice the ‘Show on Public Profile’ checkbox gets automatically selected. When this is enabled, the member’s response to this question will be displayed on their public profile. You will also notice that responding to this question has to be optional, i.e., ‘Is Required’ is toggled off in order for it to be publicly displayed.

12. Fields with ‘Show on Public Profile’ toggled on will appear with a globe icon and message that informs member’s that this response will be displayed publicly.

13. Continue filling out the form until you’ve set it up to capture the data that you want to save against and or publicly display on a member’s profile.

Member Properties & Profiles

  1. Once a member has submitted a form where they have responded to ‘Save to member’ fields, their responses will now populate the associated properties in their account area. This is what these member properties will look like to a member in their own account area:

  2. This is what the profile will look like to other members:

You’ll notice only public properties will be displayed here, i.e., the ‘Discovery’ property that is shown in the member’s account area is not shown to other members in this example, as it is not a public property.

Feel free to set up properties to display on your own profile by clicking the button below:

Create Your Profile

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