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Updated over 4 months ago

Movement’s form builder allows you to create custom forms with a variety of input types. Forms are a flexible and efficient way to engage with your members and enable you to gather useful data and feedback.

Creating a Form

To Create a form, navigate to Create > Forms in the black lefthand sidebar.

This will open the ‘Forms’ sidebar where you can see your existing forms and Create new Forms. Click on the ‘Create Form‘ button. This will open a ‘New Form’ window where you can give your Form a Title and toggle it’s visibility.

Click on the ‘Continue’ button and you will be dropped into the form builder. Here you can edit what is shown to the user on the form including the title, description and response type. A preview of your form will be shown on the right and will auto-update as you make changes in the form builder.

💡 Note: Forms support the following response types: Short Answer, Long Answer, Acceptance, Number, Multi Select, Image Upload, and Date.

Click on the ‘+Add Field’ button to add a new field to your form. You can toggle the ‘Is Required?’ option on or off depending on whether you want the user to be able to submit the form without responding to field.

To re-order the form, simply click on the “|||” icon and drag that field up or down depending on the order you want. You can also add descriptions, default values or remove a field by clicking the buttons at the bottom of the field in the builder. Once you have your form looking how you want, hit the ‘Save Form’ button. The form will now appear in your Form Library when you click Create > Forms.

Adding a Form to Your App

Forms can be triggered from buttons. To add a form to a button, add a button block to your page. For quick refresher on adding blocks to your page, check out this guide. Click on the button block then select ‘Trigger Form’ from the menu at the top of the righthand sidebar. Click ‘+Add Form’ and select the Form you would like. Check out the video below for an example of adding a form to a button and a preview of what a user would see when triggering the form.

You will receive an email notification whenever one of your users submits a form.

Viewing Form Submissions

To view the submissions for a particular form, navigate to Create > Forms then click on the form you’d like to view the submissions for. In the ‘Submissions’ tab, you can view all of the submissions a particular form has received. You can also export all of the submissions for a particular form as a CSV file by hitting the ‘Export’ button in the top right.

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