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Updated over 4 months ago
  1. Login to your Namecheap account, navigate to “Domain List” then click “Manage” on your domain.

2. Navigate to the “Advanced DNS” tab.


4. Under ‘Type’ choose ‘CNAME Record’ from the dropdown. Under ‘Host’ type or paste in the subdomain. Under ‘Value’ type or paste in ‘’. Leave the TTL field with whatever default value is there.

💡 Note: These records should match up with the records that show up in the modal when you click on your domain from your global app settings in Movement:

5. Once everything is correct, hit the green tick to save your changes, or hit ‘SAVE ALL CHANGES’.

6. Navigate back to “Custom Domain” section in your Global App Settings in the Movement admin, and you’ll notice your custom domain has a Pending status. DNS can take up to 48 hours to propagate. You can use the refresh button to check the status periodically.

7. Once the changes have propagated, you will see the status change to ‘Active’, and your custom domain will now link to your Movement app.

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